Best Skateboards For Beginners [Recommendations]

Best Skateboards For Beginners

When you’re a beginner looking to buy your first skateboard, the process can seem a bit daunting. However, the right setup can make all the difference, transforming your initial attempts from frustrating to fun. I remember my first time standing on a skateboard. Everything from the board’s feel to its stability mattered in making the experience enjoyable.

To ensure you start on the right foot, here are a few tips to consider when buying your first skateboard. First, the size and width of the skateboard should match your height and shoe size for better control and balance. Next, pay attention to the quality of the trucks and wheels. As these can significantly affect your ability to steer and absorb the vibrations from rough surfaces.

As you start practicing, you’ll appreciate the importance of choosing a board that aligns with your personal needs. Every beginner deserves a smooth and encouraging start. Ensuring the journey ahead is filled with progression and fun. Remember. The right setup not only boosts your confidence but also accelerates your learning curve in this exciting sport.



When choosing your first skateboard, it’s important to consider that even if all skateboards look similar at a glance, the parts do differ. Designers create each skateboard with specific terrains in mind, and what works in a skate park might not be the best for street skating. It’s crucial to choose a complete board tailored to your needs and where you plan to skate. The decision depends on the environment and your personal skating goals.

There are various types of skateboards available, each designed for different settings. Whether you want to cruise down city sidewalks or perform tricks at the local ramp. There’s a right style for you. The board’s specifications should match the intended use to enhance both safety and performance.

By starting with a skateboard that fits the terrains you wish to explore and tailors specifically for beginners. You’ll enjoy a smoother and more enjoyable learning experience. Always choose a setup that feels right for you—your future self will thank you for a thoughtful and well-suited choice.


Despite the basic structure of skateboards being quite similar, the area of application introduces differences in the shape and nature of their components. For anyone new to skateboarding, it’s crucial to understand that the type of skateboard you choose should be based on what you plan to do with it. For instance, the deck—which is the flat board you stand on—is particularly important because its shape can greatly affect your ability to perform specific maneuvers.

Skateboards can be broadly divided into three main types: classic skateboards, cruisers, and longboards. Each category serves a distinct application. Classic skateboards are versatile and well-suited for tricks and park skating. Cruisers are designed for street riding and short distances. Offering more comfort and stability with their larger wheels. Longboards are ideal for longer distances and higher speeds, making them perfect for downhill races or commuting.

Choosing the right type of skateboard is not just about the ride or the look. It’s about matching the board to your intended application. Whether you’re commuting, tricking, or cruising. There’s a skateboard perfectly suited for the area and style of your skating endeavors.



Classic skateboards are designed primarily for performing tricks. Whether you’re at a skate park, launching from a half pipe, or using a bowl, these boards are built to handle the obstacles you find in these environments. Even on the street, classic boards are versatile enough to tackle any urban challenge. Their construction is centered around agility and responsiveness, making them ideal for both beginners and experienced skaters looking to push their limits.

The most common form of skateboard decks is the popsicle shape. But there are several other variants that cater to different styles of skating. Each form and design has its advantages, depending on the type of skating you prefer. For those who venture beyond basic street skating, different shapes can help in mastering specific maneuvers or in enhancing stability at high speeds.

When selecting a skateboard, consider what type of skating you want to do. Whether it’s intricate tricks at the skate park or cruising down busy street corners, the shape, form, and type of skateboard you choose can greatly influence your performance and enjoyment. Remember, the right board not only complements your style but also supports the technical demands of your chosen skating environment.



The Popsicle Shape is the most widely used form of skateboard decks for both street and park areas. Skaters favor this design for its great versatility. The deck’s nose and tail have the same shape, making it easier for skaters to drive switch, or skate in the opposite direction. This feature is particularly useful in street skating where quick direction changes are common.

Popsicle decks are renowned for their balanced symmetry which allows for consistent performance whether you are skating forwards or in reverse. This symmetry makes them an ideal choice for performing tricks that require a swift change in direction or stance. The uniformity in the shape of the nose and tail also means that wear and tear is evenly distributed, extending the lifespan of the deck.

Skateboarders who frequent both park and street settings often opt for Popsicle decks because they accommodate a wide range of skating styles and techniques. Whether you’re popping ollies in the park or navigating the urban jungle. The Popsicle form provides the stability and flexibility needed to enhance your skating experience.




Shaped decks stand out because they do not have a uniform shape. Unlike the more common popsicle shape, these decks are characterized by their special shapes. The nose and tail might be angular or pointed. Adding a unique aesthetic and functional twist that appeals to certain skaters. These modifications are not just for looks. They can significantly influence how the skateboard performs during tricks and maneuvers.

The varied contours of shaped decks allow for a broad range of tricks, thanks to their tail and nose designs that provide different angles of lift and maneuverability. Skaters who prefer a skateboard that reflects their personal style or who enjoy a challenge often gravitate towards these shaped boards. Each deck’s distinctive shape can help facilitate certain types of tricks better than others, making them a popular choice among creative skaters.

For beginners, it is generally recommended to start with a popsicle shape to get the hang of basic skills due to its balance and simplicity. However, as one advances, transitioning to shaped decks can be a thrilling way to explore new dimensions of skateboarding. The beginning stages are about learning, but as skills develop, a shaped deck might just be the perfect next step to further a skater’s capabilities and style.



Cruiser skateboards differ from normal skateboards in length, width, and shape, making them a special choice for many. One of their standout features are the soft wheels, which provide a relaxed cruising experience. This makes them perfect for getting from A to B in the city, where the ease of maneuverability and smooth ride are essential. Cruisers are usually completely assembled and Ready To Skate, offering convenience right out of the box.

If you find a longboard too big or not suitable for your style, then a cruiser is the right thing for you. While longboards are great for long distances and high speeds, cruisers offer more flexibility and ease in urban environments. Their size and build make them ideal for those who need a compact but efficient mode of transportation.

Cruisers excel in urban settings where quick turns and small spaces are common. They are not just practical. They are also stylish. The unique shape and style of a cruiser make it stand out in the bustling streets. Allowing you to express your personal style while efficiently navigating the urban landscape.



When selecting the size of your skateboard deck, it’s important to consider both width and length, though width is often more critical at the beginning. The deck width should align with your specific skating style and comfort. For those just starting out, your height and shoe size can serve as useful guidelines to determine the right width and length of your board. Remember, these dimensions are typically measured in inches, where one inch corresponds to 2.54 cm.

Your personal preference plays a significant role in choosing how wide, narrow, short, or long your skateboard should be. Additionally, trends in skateboarding often dictate the popularity of certain sizes and shapes. However, it’s essential to find a setup that feels right for you, one that makes riding fun and matches the way you want to ride.

For starters, a look at a table of recommended skateboard dimensions may help. These recommendations are just starting points. Over time, you’ll learn which width suits you best. While suggested setups can be helpful, they are not one-size-fits-all. The board you choose depends not just on your physical attributes but also on what you intend to do with it—whether cruising down the street or performing tricks at the skate park.



Skateboarding Basics: Complete vs Custom

When you start skateboarding, the components of your skateboard must fit together perfectly to ensure a smooth ride. For example, not all skateboard trucks will fit every deck, which is crucial when trying to put together your own skateboard setup. If you’re eager to get skating right away, I would recommend you buy a complete skateboard. The complete boards available at skate deluxe skate shop are high quality, pre-assembled, and ready for skating without the hassle of assembly.

Advantages of Complete Skateboards

Choosing a complete skateboard, especially from skate deluxe, is a smart decision for beginners. These beginner models are not only high quality but also a bit little cheaper, which definitely make sense for those just starting out. The complete sk8boards from skate deluxe offer a balance of quality and price that is just right for new skaters. They save you the time and trouble of having to select individual parts. Making them a great choice if you want to hit the pavement as soon as possible.

When to opt for a Custom Skateboard

On the other hand, building a custom board allows for personalized adjustments that can better meet specific skating styles or preferences. This process involves selecting each piece, ensuring all components fit together to create your ideal skateboard setup. It’s a rewarding project if you have specific needs that pre-built options can’t satisfy, but it requires more knowledge and patience.


Designing your very own skateboard can be as thrilling as skating itself, especially when using the skate deluxe skateboard configurator. This tool simplifies the process immensely, guiding you through several steps to ensure that all parts—from the deck to the trucks and wheels—fit together perfectly. It’s like building a custom ride that feels uniquely yours.

The beauty of the skateboard configurator lies in its ease of use. You start by selecting the components you desire. Each choice is accompanied by recommendations and detailed information, helping you make informed decisions about your setup. For someone like me, who’s always tinkered with skateboards, the level of customization here is a dream come true.

Once you’ve made your selections, a quick check of your configuration ensures everything is compatible. The final step is to order your tailored skateboard setup.  Just a few clicks and you’re ready to hit the streets on a board that you have put together exactly to your specifications, receiving helpful tips along the way to enhance your creating process. This not only ensures a smooth ride but also instills a sense of pride in riding something that you’ve crafted yourself.



When preparing your skateboard setup, consider the style of skating you aim to pursue. Different terrains demand distinct types of boards and wheels. For instance, if your preferences lean towards street skating, you’ll likely opt for a setup with harder wheels to handle the smooth surfaces and sharp turns of urban environments. On the other hand, if you incline towards ramp or park skating, you might find a softer wheel setup more appropriate to absorb impacts and provide better traction.

Choosing the right skateboard for varied terrains isn’t just about following recommendations. It’s about understanding the specific requirements of each environment. An all-round setup can be tempting, especially if you’re just starting out and want to experiment with different skating styles. However, tailoring your board to your main area of focus can significantly enhance your performance and enjoyment.

While preferences in skateboard setup vary, the goal is to match your equipment with your intended style of skating. This isn’t just about adhering to recommendations. It’s about making informed choices that cater to your personal needs and the specific requirements of the terrain you wish to conquer.



When venturing into the world of skate parks, selecting the right all-round skateboard is crucial. The choice of deck widths plays a significant role in your skating experience. Narrow decks are more maneuverable and easy to flip, making them ideal for intricate tricks. On the other hand, wide skateboards provide ample space to stand and land, enhancing stability during more aggressive moves. Always take a moment to check our overview to determine what’s important to you in a setup.

For a truly versatile all-round experience, mid trucks or standard trucks are your best bet. They balance the skateboard and allow for smooth transitions between different skate styles. When choosing wheels, opt for softer wheels and medium-sized wheels measuring between 52 mm and 56 mm. These dimensions increase the grip on the typically smooth surfaces of skateparks, aiding in control and safety.

As you begin practicing on ramps, it’s imperative to wear protective gear to prevent injuries. Shock pads and riser pads can be added to your skateboard to enhance smoothness and reduce the impact on your joints. These adjustments make a noticeable difference in your skating comfort and performance, especially in more challenging park layouts.



When diving into the world of street skating, choosing the right skateboard is pivotal. For maneuvering through the streets and public spaces, narrower decks are preferred due to their ability to flip easily and their overall agility. Whether you are skating past benches, down stairs, or sliding along railings, using low trucks or mid trucks enhances your control. These trucks often come in light versions with a hollowed-out kingpin or axle pin. Which are attached to your deck using a short assembly set sized between 7/8″ and 1″. This setup not only reduces the weight of your board but also aims to increase the height of your ollies and flips.

The choice of wheels is crucial for street skating. opt for hard wheels starting at 100A for better grinds and slides. Small wheels are typical because they accelerate faster and are more maneuverable on rugged surfaces. However, be cautious of rough spots where a smallest stone can bring you to a sudden stop—affectionately known among skaters as a kiss the concrete moment. Your bearings should be durable and resilient, able to withstand the dirt of urban environments.

Maintaining your skateboard is key for a smooth ride. Always carry some skate wax to apply on curbs and rails to minimize friction and protect your board. This small step ensures your maneuvers are slick and your transitions seamless, making every street skate session as rewarding as the last.



When transition skating, using wider skateboards and wide decks is crucial. These provide more space to stand and maintain control, Especially at high speeds and when performing airs. I always make sure my deck is equipped with plastic rails for increased stability during intense board slides and lip slides. The right wheels also play a significant role. I prefer those with a larger diameter as they help maintain high speeds longer. Plus, softer wheels add that necessary grip for smooth rides on ramps and bowls.


Ensuring your trucks are compatible with your big wheels is another tip I can’t stress enough. opt for either mid trucks or high trucks to prevent wheel bites, a common issue that can disrupt your ride. Additionally, never overlook the need for protective gear. Skating ramps without it is a risk no one should take. I also recommend adding riser pads to your setup to further reduce the risk of wheel bites.

By taking the time to choose the right setup and ensuring you are well-protected, you can enjoy transition skating with confidence. Whether you’re dropping into a halfpipe, carving around a bowl, or taking on various ramps, the right equipment does more than just enhance performance—it ensures safety and fun.


When you start skating, learning to avoid falling might seem ideal, but in reality, falls are a fundamental part of skateboarding. Every skater, from beginners to the more experienced, knows that a good tumble is inevitable. The trick isn’t just how to fall, but more about how to break a fall safely. This is where helmets and protective gear step in. Not only do they protect against injuries, but they also help skaters get back on the board faster, ensuring that a fall doesn’t keep them off the pavement for long.

Protective equipment in skateboarding is often misunderstood. Many assume it’s uncool or cumbersome. However, professional skaters like Mark Gonzales and Lizzie Armento are prime examples that prove the exact opposite. They showcase that using safety gear doesn’t detract from the cool factor of skateboarding. In fact, it adds a layer of confidence that encourages pushing limits with less hesitation.

Safety in skateboarding isn’t just about wearing gear. It’s about integrating it into the sport’s culture. It’s a blend of necessity and style that even the most professional skaters advocate for. This shift in perception is crucial as it influences upcoming skaters to embrace safety as a natural part of their skateboarding experience.

Stylish Helmets for Skating

Stylish Helmets for Skating

As a beginner, the importance of choosing to wear a helmet cannot be overstated. It protects you from serious falls and injuries, which are common during your first few visits to the skate park. Especially when you’re attempting a drop-in for the first time, having a reliable helmet is crucial.

When you’re looking to buy your skate helmet. Consider heading to a skate shop like skate deluxe. They offer a large selection and invaluable tips to help you find a helmet that is both stylish and functional. Their advice was instrumental in helping me select a helmet that met all my skating needs.

Selecting a stylish yet protective helmet adds confidence and ensures safety as you explore the ramps and rails. Remember, the right helmet not only looks good but also offers the protection necessary for you to enjoy skating without fear.




When starting out in the world of skating, safety is paramount. As someone who has taken quite a few falls while learning new tricks, I cannot stress enough the importance of wearing protective clothing. Essential items include wrist, elbow, and knee protectors. These protective gears are not just accessories. They are crucial in preventing injuries during a fall. Particularly for beginners, these protectors help you get back on your board faster and with more confidence after a tumble.

At skate deluxe, the range of options for skate protectors is vast. Whether you need individual protectors for your hand, arm, or leg, or a complete set for all-around protection, they have it all. I personally recommend starting with a complete set.

Through my own experiences, using high-quality protectors has made a significant difference in how quickly I could learn and master skating. It’s not just about safety, but also about enhancing your ability to perform better and with more agility on the skateboard.


When choosing your first skateboard as a beginner, consider the size, width, and height of the board in relation to your shoe size to achieve better control and balance. Trucks and wheels also play a crucial role. Influencing how well you can steer and handle vibrations from rough surfaces. Whether you’re navigating through a crowded skate park or practicing street skating. A complete board tailored to your personal skating goals can significantly enhance your safety and performance.

The variety in skateboards ranges from classic skateboards suitable for tricks and park skating to cruisers designed for comfortable street riding over short distances. Longboards are ideal for longer distances and higher speeds. Making them perfect for downhill races or commuting. The Popsicle Shape of the deck offers versatility and suits beginners well because its balanced symmetry is crucial for learning basic techniques and handling direction changes smoothly.


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